Your merchandise donations are vital to King’s Treasure to be able to accomplish our mission in funding Pregnancy Resources Plus. Please read the list below for items we cannot accept, and for condition requirements for those items we do accept. As always, your continued support—along with cooperation with these guidelines—will enable King’s Treasure Thrift Stores to be even more effective in the future.
All clothing, shoes, purses, belts, bed/bath/table linens and electronics will be accepted for either sale in our stores or responsibly recycled.
All upholstered furniture and rugs must be free of obvious stains, holes, tears, threadbare areas, and/or odors. All other furniture must be in working order, no missing or broken parts, or significant damage.
Large appliances such as refrigerators, washing machines, and dryers must be less than 10 years old and in perfect working condition.
Electronics must be in perfect working order and computers must be no more than 5 years old. Older computers and non-working electronics may be recycled.
We ask that you place clothing, bed linens, and table linens in large plastic bags.
Please place your other donations in boxes that have lids or are able to be closed. This enables your donated items to stay clean, dry and secure.
Please wrap/secure all cords to lamps and small appliances.

Appliances: large and small
Books, records, CDs, etc.
Cars, trucks, motorcycles, etc.
Clothing, shoes, and accessories
Electronics and stereo equipment
Home furnishings and household items
Skis, poles, Snow Boards & boots
Sporting goods

Cribs and car seats
Perishable Foods (consider calling local church, synagogue, and food banks)
Combustible items: kerosene, gasoline, propane, oil-based paints, lamp or motor oil, any hazardous materials/liquids
Console stereos (unless in perfect, like-new condition)
Non-flatscreen TV's
Opened games or puzzles
**The enforcement of the Consumer Product Safety Improvement Act (CPSIA) on Feb, 10, 2009, has prohibited Impact Thrift
from selling toys and certain other items meant for children 12 and under. For additional information, visit CISPA.